Pray the Rosary for Life
All people are invited to pray the Rosary for Life (The Pro-Life Rosary) with the Most Reverend Bishop Richard J. Garcia, Bishop of Monterey, California, U.S.A., as he prays for life with the Oblates of St. Joseph. (Note: Audio podcasts of the four sets of Mysteries may be played or downloaded in the blue-bordered box below the graphic image.)
Nihil Obstat: Reverend Blaise R. Berg, S.T.D. Vice Chancellor, Diocese of Sacramento
Imprimatur: Most Reverend William K. Weigand, Bishop of Sacramento ~ March 1, 2006
Any customary rosary may be used in the recitation of this Pro-Life Rosary.
The Five Joyful Mysteries
The Five Luminous Mysteries
The Five Sorrowful Mysteries
The Five Glorious Mysteries
Any customary rosary may be used in the recitation of this Pro-Life Rosary.
The Crucifix:
Lord, for all those who say “I don’t believe,” “I say I believe in God….continue with saying the creed.”
First Our Father (clear/white bead):
We offer this first Our Father for the intentions of our Holy Father, the Pope.
The three purple HAIL MARYS:
The purple beads represent the Lord’s Passion and Death. Lord, (I/we) offer these three Hail Marys for an increase in Faith, Hope and Love in all people so that all people will always CHOOSE LIFE, and (I/we) also offer them in reparation for the suffering You endure each time an unborn baby is killed, each time someone is euthanized, each time death overcomes life in this world. Amen.
First Decade (Aqua-blue and white/clear beads):
Dear Lord, Dear Mother Mary, every aqua bead in this decade is special, for on it (I/we) pray that Hail Mary for the intentions of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and on every clear/white bead, (I/we) say that Hail Mary for peace in our world. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us! Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us! Amen.
Second Decade (Red and clear/white beads):
Jesus, Source of Mercy; Mary, Bearer of Mercy, on every red Hail Mary, (I/we) pray in reparation for the blood spilled from every baby wrenched from its mother’s womb through abortion. (I/we) know that even as You hold and comfort each of these precious little ones, the horror of their slaughter screams for justice to be meted out upon our world. May these red Hail Marys be a source of reparation for sin. (I/we) also offer each white/clear Hail Mary for the mothers and fathers of these aborted little ones, that they may receive the grace to repent of this sin, turn to Jesus, and receive the gift of salvation with open hearts. Heal them of the emotional and psychological wounds that this sin has caused as You pour out the graces of conversion upon them. Let them now witness for life! Amen.
Third Decade (Black and clear/white beads):
Lord Jesus, Mother Mary, in this decade (I/we) pray the Hail Mary on every black bead in reparation for the sins of the entire medical profession: all doctors, nurses and assistants of every type who contribute to abortion, euthanasia, or any procedure in the interest of death. On every white/clear Hail Mary (I/we) plead for their conversion. Let them see the truth of what they are doing, see the horror of it, rend their hearts in repentance, then work for life and for You, Lord Jesus, all the rest of their days. Amen.
Fourth Decade (Red, clear/white, and blue beads):
Lord Jesus, Source of All Truth; Mary, Our Lady of all Peoples with every red Hail Mary (I/we) pray that every bad anti-life law in our nation and world be reversed. With every clear/white Hail Mary (I/we) plead protection and strengthening of every pro-life law in existence; and with every blue Hail Mary (I/we) petition for new and stronger pro-life laws to be enacted in our nation and in our world. Amen.
Fifth Decade (Green and clear/white beads):
Lord Jesus, true God and true Man, (I/we) thank You for Your Incarnation. You were formed in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Your humanity at the moment of Your conception reveals the incomparable value of each and every one of us at the moment of our conceptions. Had Satan had his way, You too would have been torn from Your mother’s womb, never to be born and never to fulfill Your destiny in the particular manner in which You did fulfill it. The color green is symbolic of hope. On every green Hail Mary (I/we) thank You for those who in any way work for life. Give them continued courage, strength, peace of heart, and love. Protect them from all evil and increase their witness in this nation and in this world. Strengthen their families to understand the importance of their work and to support them in their stand for life.
Mother Mary, Our Mother under the titles of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Perpetual Help, Queen of Peace, join us in our intercession for the end of all pro-death activities. Crush the head of evil in our nation, our world, and in our personal lives. Roll back the crimson holocaust. With every clear/white Hail Mary of this decade advance the cause of your divine Son, Jesus, the Incarnate Word! Stay the hand of Chastisement, and if it must fall – protect your children! Amen.
Praised be Jesus Christ, Now And Forever.
Audio Recordist: Matthew Whittle
All background music by Marty Rotella